from this post
There're some updates for this news...
first thing first
this is the video from the security camera...
and this is the culprit's testimony
it appeared that the car's driver is not the son as I stated in the last post but the car's owner is the High-Rank military himself
He said that...
"I didn't hit her. I'm the one who drove that car. While I was searching for the owner of that car that blocked my exit, my daughter was the one who sprayed that car. I returned there just to took the photo of Dr.Mook. Then Dr.Mook came out and stand in front of my car and didn't let me pass. She jumped on my car and took the wipers. I was so shocked so I move back my car and drove away. I didn't hit her at all, I didn't think she'll jumped on"
You damn liar !
Dr.Mook isn't X-men -..- !!!
how could she jump on a car and broke the wipers D: !!!
I forgot to stated that the wipers was stuck in body....
so how could she pulled out the wipers and thrust them in her own body D: !!!!
gahhhh you know... if the victim is not a doctor...
there'd be no news came out at all
and no one will do anything about it...
yeah this is Thailand
there're already 2 big news that is similar to this news
1. A man who car crashed many people who's at bus stop with no reason... but appeared that man is a son of a millionaire so the court sentenced him as a crazy people... and the suit was lifted... with no punishment
2. A girl who car crashed a van on the express way. That van was spinning around and hit the edge of the express way, all the passenger and driver of that van were flying of the van and all dead. Appeared that girl was a daughter of a millionaire also underage and only sentenced with "Careless Driving" and "Driving without license"... but no "Kill people"
(This accident occurred just a kilometer away from my university D: !!)
I hate it -..-
I'm sure that "Power and money rules everything" is not just here in Thailand
but everywhere...
and it makes this world become a worse place to live....
I really hate it -..-
Interesting post.
/S / http://